There are a number of ways you can support Journey Home’s mission. Donations can be made through our Partner Pledge Program, United Way Donor Designation, direct Monetary Donations, by donating items on our Wish List, or through the Amazon Smile program. Whichever way you choose, you will be helping us continue to be a place of compassion and peace for individuals on their Journey Home. Thank you!
Partner Pledge Program
Through our Partner Pledge Program, you can give any amount each month and support us throughout the year! It’s the gift that keeps giving! Any denomination is accepted, appreciated and fully tax deductible. A $10/month pledge = $120/year or $25/month = $300/year. Click on the form below to print and fill it out. We will mail you personalized reminder slips for you to mail in with each payment throughout the year. Thank you!
United Way Donor Options 
Choose United Way Donor Option Agency #2212 During the Springtime United Way Campaign, please consider directing your contribution to Journey Home, Inc.
The donor option United Way Campaign is an important part of our fundraising efforts.
To designate Journey Home as your donor choice agency:
Obtain a donor designation form through your campaign coordinator. Write “Journey Home” and number 2212. Return the designation form with your pledge.
To make a payment online, you may go to:
• Click on the “Donate Now” button, then click “Donate Today” and complete the form
• On the bottom of the form, in the comment section, please add “Journey Home #2212” in the field to designate Journey Home
• Add dollar amount in the box on the top and hit submit.
Thank you for supporting Journey Home!
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations are always greatly appreciated to help pay for things such as utilities, repairs and improvements for the home.
Please mail your monetary donation to:
Journey Home Inc.
994 Long Pond Road
Rochester, NY 14626
Click the link below to donate with PayPal
Our Wish List
- Postage Stamps
- Large Rubbermaid Containers
- Paper Goods- paper towels, toilet paper and tissues
- Antibacterial Liquid Soaps
- Hypoallergenic Baby Wipes
- Wegmans, Sams and OfficeMax Gift Cards
- Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
- Small Garbage Bags
- Lysol- Spray Swiffer Wet Jet Refills-Floor and Dusters
- Kitchen Clorox cleaner
- Windex
- Snacks & Diet & Regular Soda
- Post it Notes
- HE only, Detergent with Bleach
- Sponges
- Napkins
- Colored Paper for Copier
- Paper Clips, Tape, Pens and Pencils